She has a really cool site called The Manipulator so please have a look at it. These are some of her monkey pictures:
They are actually real monkeys. She's brilliant if you ask me.
She also did some work with crying children, which a lot of people found Cruel.
Parents would take their kids to her studio and they would tell the kids that their parents had left them. Then they'd take photos of the kid crying. After that their parents would come back in and the kid would get a cookie or some candy.
I personally don't think that is that mean. I find this worse:
It's suppose to be art.
They put some jellyfish DNA in her so she'd glow. Which I find a LOT worse then making a kid cry.
Anyway, I got to get on with neopets stuff as usual. I'll post again soon :D
Wow a glow in the dark Rabit! Well glow under certian light Rabit :P
I saw those photos of crying kids in a magazine a while back, I didn't think it was creul. I've never seen her animal photography, that Baboon is impressive, it's brilliant how nature can produce such beautiful things!
I think that telling kids their parents left them for good - and they're LITTLE too - is cruel. The monkey pictures are nice tho!
i wonder if we could take a poll of readers to see if they think saying your parents left you in order to get a good picture is Cruel or Not Cruel.
there are some polling software things that we could put in a post? I don't know how to do it though.
That would be good if we had a poll :D
Oh I have to go and eat dinner... More comments later :P
just to clarify, they didn't tell the children their parents left the room--the parents were in the room the entire time. they gave them lollipops and took them away, then gave them back. that was it. nothing cruel or even close to it.
This is what I think: Jill Greenberg
that bunny's not art, it's SCIENCE!
artists are too poor to do gene splicing.
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